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Who has keys to your home?

This page provides a simple way to estimate the costs of our technician's to service your property. Please fill out the form as accurate as possible. This estimate is for informational purposes only and does not guarantee an exact quote for service. Prices may fluctuate depending on labor involved and fluctuations in hardware costs.
The estimate will be emailed to you and to an associate of Affordable Lock and Key. We will only contact you if you select the "Contact Me" selection at the bottom of this page. Affordable Lock and Key will NEVER share your personal information.
Ignore any fields that do not apply to your service.
Enter Your information:
Select Service Type:
Add Your Desired Services:
(hardware not included)
Add Your Desired Hardware:
Keys (specialty keys are not listed)
Residential Locks (Non-Electronic)
Front Door Handlesets
Commercial Locks
Residential Locks (Electronic)
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